Parents May Opt Out of Testing
No one has the right to force your child to do anything that you do not wish for your child to do. You may opt out.
Pure Snark (ask Running Wolf . . .) Feel free to vent whenever venting is required.
No one has the right to force your child to do anything that you do not wish for your child to do. You may opt out.
Despite what the Times claims, there hasn't been a single mention of rezoning at a public meeting of the board in two years.
In May 2011, the board approved a RIF of 259 people. In 2013, 177 have volunteered to leave. By the end of May the 259 will seem small by comparison.
165 teachers, staff, support personnel, and aides have retired or resigned since 9/4/2012. Wardynski's zero sum game is emptying our classrooms.