Wardynski Scapegoats SPED Kids, Again
Dr. Wardynski, you are an uninformed bully seeking to scapegoat anyone, but especially SPED kids, who doesn’t say “yes sir” to you. To you, I say No sir.
Pure Snark (ask Running Wolf . . .) Feel free to vent whenever venting is required.
Dr. Wardynski, you are an uninformed bully seeking to scapegoat anyone, but especially SPED kids, who doesn’t say “yes sir” to you. To you, I say No sir.
Wardynski claimed that the State Jobs Board doesn't represent actual vacancies in HCS. As Jon Stewart said, "If you smell something, say something."
It's not just about the money. Our teachers are leaving because of the endless abuse and disrespect they face from Wardynski and his administration.
McGinnis wants to "literally ram it down our throats" how wonderful he and this district are. No means no, Mr. McGinnis.