Wardynski Scapegoats SPED Kids, Again
Dr. Wardynski, you are an uninformed bully seeking to scapegoat anyone, but especially SPED kids, who doesn’t say “yes sir” to you. To you, I say No sir.
Dr. Wardynski, you are an uninformed bully seeking to scapegoat anyone, but especially SPED kids, who doesn’t say “yes sir” to you. To you, I say No sir.
Wardynski request to review the PTAs' financials is an attempt to gain control of PTAs. The PTAs should say no thank you.
McGinnis wants to "literally ram it down our throats" how wonderful he and this district are. No means no, Mr. McGinnis.
The Board is more concerned with explaining why they have to ignore public concerns than they are with listening to those concerns.